Latest telco PR news: AITEC has announced the line-up for its upcoming Banking and Mobile Money West Africa conference. Some great speakers and I will be very interested to hear how Nigeria’s cashless society initiative is getting on. More details here:
Banking and Mobile Money West Africa
African Business Review magazine
African Business Review is a digital magazine and website which covers all types of business issues in Africa. 2013 will see features on Air Travel, Innovative Energy Generation Agriculture, Education and Mobile Technology.
You can follow them on twitter @AfricaBizReview – and download the magazine from
The editor, Sheree Hanna, is looking for interesting contributions. She writes:
“We want to hear if your company is making the news. Are you expanding, building new facilities or creating new jobs, investing in new projects or launching new products? Have you harnessed new technology in a ground breaking way to help your business or come up with a marketing scheme that is getting you ahead of the competition?”
Contact Sheree on or telephone +441603 217553 to see if your story will make the cut!
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